Wednesday, September 3, 2014

YSL La Laque Couture #52 Bleu Galuchat, #53 Taupe Graine from Fall 2014 Leather Fetish Collection, Review & Swatch

Hi there everyone, I hope you are all doing great. As I know I am enjoying my holiday while trying to blog in between. I started struggling with a few technical problems such as: forgetting the charger of the camera, not having all my stash available, melting lipsticks, sweating after putting on foundation for an FOTD etc. etc. The list is long but forgetting the camera batteries charger must have been the hardest on me. If you come across some iPhone photos, such as the one below, now you know what I am going through...

YSL La Laque Couture #52 Bleu Galuchat and #53 Taupe Graine

Today it is about the two textured nail polishes YSL released this fall with their Leather Fetish Collection. The texture is supposed to look like leather on the nails. Although I am not so fond of textured nails, I got these because I was curious about the first textured nail polish I would get my hands on from YSL. Since they repackaged and reformulated their nail polishes a few years ago, I started collecting them. YSL makes one of my favorite nail polishes, color and formula wise, so I was eager to try the "new thing" out.

YSL La Laque Couture #52 Bleu Galuchat is a deep blue with a hint of teal and light blue glitter particles. The polish is thinner than the particles and this way the texture is formed. I would call the resulting texture close to OPI's Liquid Sand formula, one with glitter. 

YSL La Laque Couture #52 Bleu Galuchat

I applied two coats of #52 Bleu Galuchat for the swatches, which was perfectly opaque. Infact I might get away with just one, but with two coats, texture shows itself much better. The glitters look so pretty under the sun and this one didn't stain my nails, which is always a good thing for a blue nail polish. I think it is a lovely shade for fall.

YSL La Laque Couture #52 Bleu Galuchat

The second shade is #53 Taupe Graine which is a deep neutral brown with silvery shimmers. The shimmers in that one are more fine but the nail polish is thinner, so it gives a similar effect to Bleu Galuchat. Taupe Graine needs at least two coats, you can see that even with two coats, with the middle finger (no pun here) shows some transparency once sun hits on it. 

YSL La Laque Couture #53 Taupe Graine

I found Taupe Graine looking more like leather on the nails but it can be because of the color. I liked how the shimmer particles shine under strong light and these the nail polish is converted to something unique. No issues again with removal nor application.

YSL La Laque Couture #53 Taupe Graine

Although both of the shades can as well be worn with a top coat, I wouldn't do that simply because it kills the uniqueness of it. You can see more swatches at Ommorphia, also with a top coat. Silverkis also tried these with topcoat and reported that gel top coat doesn't work with these all that well, so you would like to go for something classical like Seche Vite.

YSL La Laque Couture #53 Taupe Graine

Final thoughts: All in all unique and interesting, something I will wear this fall when I feel like I need a change. My Favorite is #52 Bleu Galuchat because I like blues more than browns on the nails and the formula of that one is slightly thicker, hence covers the nail better.

What are your feelings about textured nail polish? Love it or leave it?



  1. I love it!! It's always nice to be able to have a little change. I have ordered Bleu Galuchat some time ago and it should be ready for collection for when I get back home :-)

    1. Yay for Bleu Galuchat, also my favorite, lovely shimmer which is not over the top.
      I hope you love yours too.

  2. I didn't think I would like it, but Bleu Galuchat is indeed lovely. I mean, I loved the shade right away, but wasn't convinced about the texture, but now I think it really works.
    Thank you Sara!

    1. Hi Andrea,
      yes I think it works if you are not obsessed about having a glossy smooth finish. I would like to wear them in Fall but for summer now they can wait ;-)

  3. Lovely! I like textured polishes and I think #52 Bleu Galuchat is a must have! Enjoy your holidays :)

    1. #52 Galuchat is indeed lovely, you are much more experimental than me when it comes to nails so I am sure you will love it even more :-)

  4. Hey, Taupe Graine looks cool! Actually, both look cool, but if we're aiming at leather, Taupe Graine seems to express the concept better. Sorry for the forgotten charger! Gotta say the iPhone photos look good though :)

    1. I agree with you Sunny, definitely Taupe Graine better fits the bill if we want the leather effect, I just can't say no to a dark blue nail polish ;-)
      Only the first photo is with iPhone, all the others were taken and downloaded before. I am sure you can relate, now I see how many posts I prepared and didn't have the opportunity to post, it seems I can go on like this over 2 weeks without taking new photos all that much ;-)

  5. Galouchat is really pretty !
    WondersReviews Recently Posted : Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

    1. Hi Michelle, thanks for stopping by.
      Yes blue one is just gorgeous!

  6. Such a cool texture! I'm loving the blue especially- so perfect for Fall :)


    1. Hi Jen,
      yes they are really great for Fall!

  7. They are both beautiful, I like Taupe Graine #53, its very edgy, definitely reminds me of leather. Wish I had your beautiful hands and nails! On a side note, have you tried TF Black Cherry or is that part of the stash your hubby is bringing to holiday? :) I ordered mine what feels like weeks ago and its supposed to come today!

    1. Hi, I got Black Cherry and yes it is in the package which is coming with hubby to holidays :-) I hope you like yours, they say it is very blackened, like really very deep. I always like vampy nails and alternatives to black.

  8. Hi Sara, which nail polish remover do you use? I've tried Chanel and Dior now... and gosh they're expensive, and not all that great at removing these textured polishes. :( But I do love the colors... they're so sophisticated (as always with YSL polishes). And thank you for the link love my dear! :*

  9. Hallo Sara, die Nagellacke haben mir auch sehr gut gefallen, aber ich muss sagen, dass mich das finish einfach nicht anspricht :(


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