Saturday, October 19, 2013

Chanel Le Vernis #677 Rouge Rubis from Nuit Infinie de Chanel Holiday 2013 Collection

After my back-breaking encounter with Cinema and the fifty shades of red, I was praying to nail polish gods that Chanel wouldn't release another red for at least for another year. But it seems but my voice was lost in the hollows of beauty blogosphere or maybe there were many others who were praying for another red. Who knows, maybe it was meant to be but today my desk was looking exactly like this...

Chanel Le Vernis #677 Rouge Rubis together with similar reds from my stash

It is the official start of Holiday 2013 collections review in Color Me Loud, *trumpets, drums and vuvuzelas*. I will probably start with another tab next to Fall 2013 one after getting a few more posts done. I am happy to start the review with such a cheerful shade, a vivid glossy red with blue undertones, here is Rouge Rubis on the nails against the beautiful blue fall sky of today.

Chanel Le Vernis #677 Rouge Rubis outdoors

It is a red even I like to wear and was perfectly matching today's happy fall mood with sun and no clouds. Yes it is one of a gleeful red but manages to stay understated too. I think this is one of the things Chanel does to perfection, just the right balance to being noticed without screaming, if that makes sense. I was very curious to see how this red with a unique mood effect compared to other thousand reds in my stash.

Stash Comparison for Chanel Le Vernis #677 Rouge Rubis

At this point I would like to say that it is unique but unfortunately there are close shades to Rouge Rubis but the good (bad?) news is that there is no perfect match. Chanel #473 Coromandel is more orange, Chanel #159 Fire is a tad darker, Diorific #751 Marilyn and Dior #999 Rouge lean more blue, Chanel #475 Dragon and #581 Cinema are darker. Chanel #587 Rouge Carat has shimmer.  Chanel #08 Pirate is more blue based.

The closest of the two shades are Tom Ford #13 Carnal Red from the permanent collection and Laura Mercier's Moderne Red from last year's holiday collection. Moderne Red is a tad lighter though but Carnal Red is quiet close. Just saying, in case you have this one already in your stash.

Nail wheel swatches for Chanel Le Vernis #677 Rouge Rubis
Check out beautiful photos and swatches in Belletristic Beauty, more comparisons in Beauty Look Book and Chahevu (in German).

Final thoughts: Rouge Rubis is a happy red which manages to be unique among Chanel's hundreds of other reds. It is perfect for sunny fall weather as well as holidays and Christmas. Let the holiday season begin!

Do you like wearing red on your nails? What kind of red do you prefer?


  1. Oooh this is a pretty one! I just posted today about one from another company and I'm really starting to see red, in a good way! Now I just don't know if I would go for this one or Dior 999! :)

    1. Hi Icaria,
      yes Rouge Rubis is one pretty red!
      I think it depends, if you want a classical red nail polish, you may want to go for Dior Rouge 999
      If you would like something a little different, more cheerful, pick up Rouge Rubis.
      Oh and I think you can justify owning both ;-)

  2. I love all your reviews!!!
    Hi from Spain.

    1. Hi Ana,
      So sweet of you! Thanks for the encouragement
      So lucky to be in Spain right now, here in Germany started getting cold!

  3. YAY! Been waiting so long for someone to review Rouge Rubis next to Coromandel :D Glad to see they are different enough for me to justify having both hehe Hope you've been well Sara!


  4. So much polish envy right now hehe ❤ Red nail polish is such a classic. I prefer the creamy apple red shades as opposed to ones with shimmer. How about you?


I love to hear what you think. Fell free to write in English, German or Turkish.

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